- Our 2024 Viking Cruise on the Danube
- Bucharest, Romania
- Veliko Tranovo & Arbanasi, Bulgaria
- Viden, Bulgaria
- Golubac, Serbia
- Belgrade, Serbia
- Osijek and Vukovar, Croatia
- Kalocsa and Puszta, Hungary
- Budapest, Hungary
- Our Lives in Mesa, AZ
- Finally…Getting Settled
- House Hunting, but where??
- Still in Colorado
- Catching up
- Bozeman to Little Bighorn Battlefield
- Seeley Lake to Bozeman
- Time to Head South
- Exploring Banff and Nearby Places
- Jasper to Banff
- Jasper and Maligne Lake
- Jasper and Athabasca
- Salmon Arm to Valemount British Columbia
- Washington to Salmon Arm British Columbia Canada
- Leaving Big Creek for Canada, via Washington
- Ooops and Lots of People
- How to Spend a Courtesy Day Off
- May at Big Creek
- Arizona to Oregon
- Winding Down in Arizona
- Family, Friends, and Excursions
- Grand Canyon Visit
- Weather is Delightful
- Our Colorado to Arizona Transition
- Heading South in the Nick of Time
- Making the Most of Bear Creek Lake Park
- Oh Where to Park The Beast
- So Much To Do, So Little Time
- Rain Rain Rain
- Ouch!
- Making the best of it
- Getting Stronger
- Back in Colorado
- Going our Separate Ways…Temporarily
- Journey is over!
- South Dakota to Minnesota
- South Dakota
- Travel Wyoming
- Stopover in Colorado
- We’ve Moved…again!
- Last Few Days in Mesa
- Last few weeks in Arizona
- Back to Full Time in Arizona
- A Final Goodbye
- Goodbye Precious Daughter
- Merry Christmas from Arizona
- Winter Home in Mesa
- Colorado to Arizona via Texas
- Still in Colorado
- Pre Arizona Visiting
- Goodbye Oregon Hello WY & CO
- Winding Down
- Fantastic Oregon Summer
- Big Creek Grounds Keeping and Trailer Maintenance
- Exploring Astoria Area
- Work and Play
- Finally! Back in our Home
- Summer Foiled!!
- Trip to Wyoming
- Laying back in Loveland, CO
- Last Day at St Vrain State Park
- Back in Colorado
- Good Bye Louisiana…Hello Colorado
- Life on…and off… the Bayou
- Hello Louisiana and 2016
- Goodbye Brazos Bend and 2015
- Seeing some sights
- Life on the Brazos
- Dripping Springs??
- Colorado to Texas via Oklahoma
- Wyoming and Colorado Family Visit
- Homeless
- Packing up
- Exploring the Flora and Fauna
- Our New Ranger and the Arctic Circle
- Life at North Pole
- Catching Up
- 3 Days in Valdez
- The LONG LONG Canadian road
- North to Alaska?
- Spawning Steelhead at Alsea
- Getting Anxious
- Alsea Update
- DFR & Life at the Hatchery
- Wyoming to our Oregon Digs
- Passing Though
- Quick Visit to California then Head North
- Hiking and Exploring Beyond Mesa – Part II
- Hiking and Exploring Beyond Mesa – Part I
- Winding Down
- Getting Aquinted
- Life in Arizona 2015
- Winter Reminder
- Merry Christmas
- Arrive Arizona
- Goodbye Colorado Bend
- Hunting Season
- A Trek Outside the Park
- Another Day in Texas
- Colorado River…huh?
- Overdue Update
- Counting Bats
- Ranch Gates & Trails
- First Week at Colorado Bend SP
- Stop off in Stephenville, Texas
- Texas Bound
- Moved!
- Storage
- Our Gillette Family empties the house
- We’re Getting Close
- Kari and Edward visit and load their stuff
- The Garage Sale & the Shed
- Streaming Around
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