We had our first major excitement a couple months after arriving. Mesa Sales 3 alarm fire located next door to our RV spot at Twin Palms RV Park. Fire started around 6pm Jan 30, 2018 and had Twenty fire trucks … Continue reading


Bozeman to Little Bighorn Battlefield

Spent 4 days in Bozeman with beautiful weather, but decided we should keep on track with our trek to Connie’s 50th HS reunion in Cheyenne.

We got on our way from Bozeman to Garryowen, on Wednesday July 25, but had to make a quick quilt store stop at Big Timber. A cute little shop called Little Timber. Wouldn’t you know, Connie found a piece of fabric “just right” for one of her projects. Yay! We found Big Timber to be delightfully welcoming with a small town footprint.

Arrived around around 2:30pm, parked and setup at 7th Ranch RV Camp, just south of Garryowen and the Little Bighorn National Park. The first picture here looks north toward the battlefield and the Little Bighorn river. A delightful location with full hookups. They even offered us a free ice cream treat when we checked in. We didn’t want to insult them, so we accepted.

Thursday, we drove the short 7 miles from our site to the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument (Custer’s Last Stand) arriving soon after they opened the gates. Free to old folks (62) with the America the Beautiful National Park Senior Pass. They are $80 now, but were only $10 when we got ours. Sorry youngsters. Next to the visitor center is Custer National Cemetery. Custer’s Last Stand site is on the hill just beyond the visitor center.

We watched a very informative 45 minute video in the visitor center, then caught the ranger talk on the south side overlook. The Ranger, actually a volunteer, dramatically spoke for around 30 minutes about the battle field and a step by step review of what took place that June 25, 1876, along with the events that led up to it, as well as afterward.

After the ranger talk, we walked the Deep Ravine pathway from the visitor center toward the Little Bighorn river. Much of the battle that the indians call “The battle of Greasy Grass” took place in this area, as well as some of the surrounding area.

The 249 marble stones mark the place where each soldier originally died and were buried in shallow graves. Our nations only battlefield where markers are found where soldiers fell. In 1999, with input from stories handed down from Lakota and Cheyenne families, the park service began placing red granite markers where the 60 plus indians fell. A difficult task since their bodies were taken away by the tribes after the battle.

Last Stand Hill Monument has the remains of about 220 soldiers buried around the base of the memorial. In 1877 the remains of 11 officers and 2 civilians were moved to various cemeteries throughout the country. Lt Colonel Custer was buried at West Point. Custer had been a general during the civil war, but assumed his regular army rank after the war. In 1881, the other soldiers were relocated from their original grave where they fell and re-interned in a single grave below the monument.

We opted to take the Absaalooke Tour bus for further explanation of the battle. A young Crow Indian was our narrator as we traveled along the battlefield road to the Reno-Benteen Battlefield Monument. In June 1876 there were an estimated 7000 Sitting Bull led Lakota, Cheyenne, and some Arapaho gathered in their village on the Little Big Horn River, 1500-2000 were warriors. By order of President US Grant, the 7th Calvary was determined to push the indians back to their reservation. Custer’s men all perished by the warriors determined to live as they had before, but battalions led by Major Reno and Captain Benteen had gathered together after initial fighting and retreated to a location along Sharpshooter Ridge. They conducted the shallow grave burials after the battle. We had passed the Little Big Horn National Monument many times as we drove by on I-90, but glad we stopped this time. An incredible history and site to see. Plan to stop if in the area.

Rain Rain Rain

Typical Colorado Summer…daily afternoon thunder storms. Nice for keeping Colorado green…along with the cannabis, but sure puts a cloud (pun intended) over outdoor activities. Connie got to ride her new bike a little last Sunday, but the rain and other … Continue reading

South Dakota

After a wonderful visit with family, we pulled out of Gillette on Thursday June 1 heading east toward Sioux Falls, SD. As we neared SD in eastern Wyoming, we saw how lush the country was with green grasses, along with … Continue reading

Travel Wyoming

Before leaving Berthoud we took a fun walk around town. Berthoud is a great little town between Longmont and Loveland and boasts TWO breweries! We love City Star and their American IPA. City Star is located just next to the … Continue reading

Winding Down

Mike, one of the “techs” here has been at the hatchery for 20 years and grew up in the area. A great guy that we enjoyed getting to know. Loves to fish. Missed the chance to go out on his … Continue reading

Exploring Astoria Area

Sunday, July 3rd – Took Faith to the Lewis & Clark Historic National Park where she toured Fort Clatsop. Along the trip she completed a Junior Ranger questionnaire and was sworn in as an official Junior Ranger. Her certificate is … Continue reading

Work and Play

The summer months is maintenance time here at Big Creek Hatchery. Only 9 of the 30 ponds are being used. Five ponds hold fingerling Spring Chinook salmon, also called King salmon.  They will be released in November. Three ponds of … Continue reading

Summer Foiled!!

After returning from Wyoming, we had a great month in Loveland and around Denver. Enjoyed being around so many breweries that entice a visit. Verboten (Forbidden in German) in downtown Loveland for one. Cheri and Ella (Cheri’s dog) even joined … Continue reading

Back in Colorado

After several great spring like days, it has turned back to winter in Colorado! A freezing reminder on why we’ve been going south in the winter months. BUT…Easter came early this year and we wanted to be back with family. … Continue reading


Saturday August 29, 2015 – North Pole to Tok, AK – 189 miles: After loading the rest of the truck (not fully loaded in the picture),  which filled it to the tailgate and topper window, as well with the rear … Continue reading

Packing up

It’s been a lot of fun and a great experience, but it’s time to go back to the “Lower 48.” We’ll leave the North Pole and our site at the Corps of Engineers Chena Lakes Flood Control Project Saturday evening, … Continue reading

Life at North Pole

North Pole sounds like it should be just north of Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope of Alaska. Actually it’s just 15 miles southeast of Fairbanks, and 140 miles from the Arctic Circle.   North Pole is VERY Christmasy. A … Continue reading

Catching Up

We made it from Valdez to Anchorage on Friday May 29 and found Cabellas Parking lot for the night. Very nice accommodations with a new Target, including a Starbucks next door. Picked up sister Cheri at the Ted Stevens (former … Continue reading

3 Days in Valdez

Anxious to finally get to Alaska, Left Whitehorse, Yukon at 5am May 25th, Memorial Day. We counted 30 plus Elk and another Grizzly as we traveled along the Alaskan Highway. Got to the Yukon/Alaska border mid-morning only to have our … Continue reading

Alsea Update

We have zero internet here, and intermittent phone/text, so posts are delayed till we can get to a local library. Life at the Alsea Fish Hatchery continues to keep us busy doing some everyday tasks, like lawn mowing, and some … Continue reading

DFR & Life at the Hatchery

Our daily schedule generally begins around 7:30am with a BS session at the hatchery office. Matt, the manager, and the three techs share comments/opinions about current events around the hatchery. One tech, Eric, has been off with the birth of … Continue reading

Life in Arizona 2015

After leaving cold Colorado and the ikky winter highways, we finally arrived in Arizona New Years Day 2015. Mainly Gilbert and Mesa. Sister Carol and bro-in-law Roger live in Gilbert, and our new RV site is in Mesa; neighboring cities. … Continue reading

Winter Reminder

Having a white Christmas with family in Loveland, CO. Received 7 plus inches of snow Christmas day and into the night. Had to move some snow today (December 26) so Connie could take the truck to meet Presser Foot friend … Continue reading

Merry Christmas

We wish all our friends and family a very Merry Christmas and blessed 2015. We rest assured that His birth brought forth the promise of everlasting life and fulfills God’s promise through His Son. This is a picture of our … Continue reading

Arrive Arizona

Left Colorado Bend Monday, December 15, at 6:30am and drove as far as Las Cruces, NM. Yes, another night at Walmart, but it turned out to be a great parking area. Short walk to Applebees where we enjoyed a brew … Continue reading

Hunting Season

  Colorado Bend State Park has a lot of whitetail deer, not to mention many feral hogs, and a few exotic species.  There are 4 weeks of deer hunting, but only 24 hunters per week. The 4th week of the … Continue reading

Overdue Update

Typical morning sunrise we see out from our camp site space. Fantastic! We have been running and going so much, so have abandoned making any new posts. It’s time to catch up. We had several comments from an earlier post  … Continue reading

Counting Bats

Took a moment to stop and view the area in route to the Gorman Cave here at Colorado Bend State Park.  Connie and Jason standing on the rocky ledge that looks down to Dog Leg Canyon. Quite steep and very … Continue reading

Ranch Gates & Trails

Tuesday afternoon, a beautiful day, we ventured on a hike to get acquainted with just a couple of the many trails; Spicewood Springs and Spicewood Canyon. Very picturesque hike. Can you make out the Colorado River in the far background … Continue reading