Stopover in Colorado

Colorado is normally quite beautiful. However, we’ve had 3 to 1 bad days to nice days since arriving. Snow and cold in May?? Even after Mother’s day! Here’s a couple shots of Loveland RV Resort on a nice day, and another of our spot on one of the not so nice days. It snowed more than the picture shows. We stayed here from April 18 to May 18.

After spending a few hours getting the snow off the top of the slides, we moved our home to Cheri’s on May 19, only about a 3 mile trip. A quiet street and neighbors didn’t fuss. No hook ups here, but spent most of the time in the house. A very nice 3 days with Connie’s sis. She takes great care of us and no parking fees!

We were not comfortable sticking our in the street at Cheri’s, so we moved down the road about 9 miles to Berthoud. Our financial manager and his wife Bobbie invited us to stay in their driveway while they went on their New York trip. Their 1892? home is in the background. A very nice setting and they even ran an extension cord so we could have a little power. Our solar has been working fine, but it doesn’t function well while nasty weather and clouds.

Its was good to touch bases with friends and family here, along with dentist and doctor appointments. Ed drove a few times for Dakota Bus Service/Grace Coach Lines which helped pay lot rent at Loveland RV. So even with the not so nice days, we’ve enjoyed our time, but ready to head north to see family/friends in Gillette, Wyoming over Memorial Day.

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Stopover in Colorado — 2 Comments

  1. Great blog entry, good pictures of your 3 stopping places. Yeah, CO has such wild weather in the spring! Glad you did to get involved in the hailstorm we saw on the news. Travel well as you start out on the summer adventure! Sure miss you guys….

  2. Always good to hear from you. I have family in Denver area so I did see all the snow pictures. As they say, “If you don’t like the weather in Colorado, just wait until tomorrow”. Have a wonderful summer and stay safe. May God be with you.

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