South Dakota

After a wonderful visit with family, we pulled out of Gillette on Thursday June 1 heading east toward Sioux Falls, SD. As we neared SD in eastern Wyoming, we saw how lush the country was with green grasses, along with cattle munching away. We were reminded of a time long ago by this historical marker at a rest stop along I90 and thought it gave travelers, including us, a bit of history of the area.

Pulled in to Spearfish Canyon City Campground  Thursday afternoon to a beautifully landscaped RV campground near the heart of town. The babbling Spearfish creek  was right out the back of our spot.

The DC Booth Historical Fish Hatchery is directly across from our park on Spearfish Canyon Road. Managed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the hatchery has 10 campsites reserved for volunteers that serve as guides and cashiers at the various sites at the hatchery. We walked around a bit for a short time with a promise to spend more time there on our way back in August.

George and Janet Wilken, some old friends we knew from Tooele, UT back in the eighties live in Spearfish. It was a real treat to have them come by and say hi and take us to dinner later. A memorable Spearfish visit for sure.

We’ve seen these Wall Drug signs as long as we can remember traveling our nations roadways, so it was only proper to take a little time to pull in the Wall, SD and see what Wall Drug Store was all about. Wow! It’s pretty incredible really. Lot and lots of notions, knick knacks, clothes, boots, donuts, ice cream, and the stores go on and on. We didn’t notice any drugs at Wall Drug Store however. It was very crowded as we weaved our way around other curiosity seekers.

After surviving Wall Drug, we made our way to our first Boondockers Welcome location. Boondockers is made up of RVers from around the country that share a place they have to park an RV in return for being able to park their RV at similar places when they travel. We don’t have a place to share, but pay a modest annual fee to be part of the group. This first stop did not disappoint. Park on a hill overlooking the Missouri River. Fantastic!

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South Dakota — 2 Comments

  1. Great blog entries, feeling like we are along for the ride! Hey, my mom’s family met in Spearfish at the Hatchery about every other year for their annual reunion. I have scary memories of falling into one of the fish ponds and having the fish swarm over me. As kids we had the run of the place and we spent lots of time playing in the river.

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