Back in Colorado


After several great spring like days, it has turned back to winter in Colorado! A freezing reminder on why we’ve been going south in the winter months. BUT…Easter came early this year and we wanted to be back with family. All is well here at Saint Vrain State Park. We’re huddled in our cozy Mobile Suites staying warm. It snowed about 5″ last night. The temperature is supposed to get down in the mid teens tonight, Friday 3/18/2016. Hoping our heat tape continues to keep our water flowing. We’re here through Thursday March 24 when we head over to Loveland for Easter, then up to Gillette, Wyoming to see more family. Praying for less winter by that time.


Seems we left Louisiana just in time, avoiding all the flooding. Our friends, Cliff and Cyndy, are still there and keep us posted via their blog. Check it out for more pictures of the flooding.

DakotaRidgeArriving Thursday March 9, 2016 in Colorado, our first stop was parking our 5th wheel at Dakota Ridge RV Park in Golden . We had a great trip from Elk City, stopping Wednesday night at the Trinidad Walmart store, a regular overnight stop when passing through southern Colorado.


Connie took grand daughter Faith to her orthodontist on Friday to have her braces removed. We drove to Golden afterward to walk around town. Faith got an ice cream cone, then we walked up the street to the Mountain Toad Brewery. Faith is very happy showing a big smile without her braces.


After helping Shannon setup for Faith’s confirmation event, we enjoyed going to St. John’s Lutheran School fund raiser auction,  “Men Who Cook” in downtown Denver on Saturday March 12. Wine tasting and food samples from various restaurants around Denver. Connie tries the Dill Pickle Vodka. Ed refrained!


Sunday, March 13, we attended St. John’s Lutheran in Wash Park for Grand daughter Faith’s confirmation. Her mother, our daughter Shannon, worked hard on setting up a very nice reception afterward; with a great Etouffe over rice dish. Faith’s good friend, and volleyball team member, Molly, joined us at the event.

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Back in Colorado — 1 Comment

  1. Enjoy spring/winter in Colorado. Winter is never over in Colorado until May. This you know also. May God continue to be with you in your travels.

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