Spawning Steelhead at Alsea

SpawningSteelhead2SpawningSteelheadJust prior to leaving Alsea on our trip to Alaska, we got a glimpse into the spawning steelheads. Interesting process to gather eggs from the wild steelhead. When they’re ready, but pump in a little air and fill the Glad tub. Then fertilize the eggs with some male steelhead sperm. Then they go in some trays in the hatchery where consistently flowing water washes over them to simulate a river.

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Spawning Steelhead at Alsea — 1 Comment

  1. Ed, I’m sorry 2 hear about your mother-in-law. It sounds as if she lived a full life & left many memories, good 4 her.
    I made the Alaska trip up 1 time & back one time. There is a HOT springs on a river about half way up. It has a camp ground and U will need a hot bath on your way, HAHAQHAHA. If there is anything U need on this end while on your trip, let me know. I get some bus drivers 2 pitch in also !! Also, U gotta make the MILE POST station going or coming. We also drove 2 Valdeze & ferried to Whitter then train ride through the tunnel 2 south anchorage which is now open to traffic. That will be a trip 4 ya.

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