Rain Rain Rain

Typical Colorado Summer…daily afternoon thunder storms. Nice for keeping Colorado green…along with the cannabis, but sure puts a cloud (pun intended) over outdoor activities.

Connie got to ride her new bike a little last Sunday, but the rain and other activities has kept her grounded for awhile. Good news, however, she’s finished with PT and walking somewhat normally.

We’re heading back to Grand Junction Friday (August 11) for 4 days. Sister Cheri will go with us. She wants to look around at some Western Slope real estate. Of course wineries and breweries too. The two girls are planning our meals with provisions from Cheri’s garden. Should be a feast!

On return to Loveland, we’ll drop Cheri off and head out for Wyoming. Stopping at a Raspberry farm in Shoshoni (Harvest Hosts), then Cody, and Gillette through August 22. Will be in Gillette for the Eclipse on the 21st. Gillette isn’t on the main path, so we won’t see the full effect.

In the mean time, Ed drove charter bus, along with 6 other buses, from the Longmont Mormon Stake Center to historic Mormon Trail sites in Wyoming. We drove 300 plus high school youth and their leaders for a Pioneer experiential adventure along the Mormon Trail in Wyoming.

After arriving mid-day, we dropped the group at the Willie Center Sixth Crossing (Sweetwater Junction, WY) The group got in the groove pulling hand carts and camping out that day. Fortunately, the bus drivers drove to hotels in Riverton or Casper. The next morning the group loaded up and we transported them down 11 miles of dirt BLM road to Sage Creek. From Sage Creek, they pulled their hand carts the 13 miles cross country to Rock Creek Hollow where they camped. Then off to Martin’s Cove on Wednesday for more experiential trekking and camping. We bused the totally exhausted group back to Longmont on Thursday.

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