Passing Though

Colorado: We left Mesa Arizona on March 7  with a plan to stop over at the Las Vegas, NM Walmart for the night, but had a little trouble with propane and couldn’t sleep. So after a couple hours snooze, took off around midnight. We were actually awake to set our clock ahead one hour for the time change!

ShannonBD-wFaith We had many items on our agenda to do while pausing from our travels in Colorado. We parked in Cheri’s driveway in Loveland (again), but actually stayed in her guest bedroom while we were there. Excellent accommodations sister (and sister-in-law)! In addition to doing taxes for Vera (Connie & Cheri’s mom), Cheri, and ourselves, squeezing in a little time to meet with Jason (our financial guy) for a brew at the Alehouse, we also managed to spend a little time with daughter Shannon and family. Joined them for church (St. John’s in the Wash Park area) and had a great Birthday lunch at Max Gill & Grill, a Wash Park restaurant. We’re getting old! Shannon turned 38 March 15. Here is a picture with her daughter (our grand daughter) Faith. She is awesome…and knows it.

DiggingOutCedarWhile Cheri was a delightful hostess, she also had a few chores for us to help with. One was removing a fairly large cedar tree to make room for more plants. Cheri has a very nice home with hot water heat…but suffers from some banging pipes when the water circulates. Wakes us up! So we flushed all the pipes, but were never able to rid the bang from on annoying section. Save that for next visit. She also had some raised beds to build for a new garden area. That was fun. Saving adding the drip system till next visit…September?
guys@brkfst Ed was able to join his old driver breakfast group a couple times during our Colorado visit. Pictured here is Cliff, George, Dan, Roy, and Jim. Steve is missing in action (at least didn’t get in this picture), but saw him the following week. Ed drove school bus with all the guys, but Dan is the only one still driving. Just can’t give it up…but soon we’re sure.

FraserPlaceReally enjoyed the drive up to Fraser to see friends Angie and Brian; especially seeing their new house. They have built it pretty much themselves and looking forward to moving in very soon. Enjoyed a beer at the Devil’s Thumb resort, and a Mexican dinner. Thanks Angie and Brian.

While we finally made it to Alsea Fish Hatchery in Oregon, our next post will be about our stop in Wyoming to visit family, and getting here. We have a picturesque site, but just barely have in and out service for texting (Connie takes care of that), and maybe slip in a phone call now and then. I have to come in to the Alsea library to post. So more to come and lots to share.

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