Making the best of it


Wednesday, June 5, we took advantage of our time on the “Western Slope,” and pulled our trailer the 80+ miles from Palisade to Ridgway State Park (Seems like an “e” is missing in Ridgway, but guess not). Our friends, and former co-hosts in Alaska, Texas, and Louisiana are hosting at the park and managed to arrange a “Handicap” spot for us near the restrooms and their space. We stayed 2 nights and had a great time with Cliff and Cyndy Mills. They fed us a wonderful meal from their BBQ and roaster oven on their hideaway patio in the trees.

The next day we enjoyed a delicious breakfast on the patio at Kate’s Place in Ridgway. Only one negative: Connie crashed her scooter/stroller when the wheels hit a dip in the concrete walkway. She was a little scared at first…we all were…but she got back on the beast and wasn’t about to let it get the best of her.


After breakfast, Cliff drove us over Owl Creek Pass where we got a much closer view of Chimney Rock on Courthouse Mountain in the Cimarron’s (picture stolen off the internet). We stopped for lunch at a National Forrest Campground near Silver Jack Reservoir before completing our circle back to Ridgway SP through Montrose. The bottom picture is the Uncompahgre Plateau range. A grand tour, thanks to Cliff and Cyndy.

While the girls struggled to get up the stairs at Ladybugz Quilt Store, the guys walked across the street to the Horsefly Brewery for a little refreshment. How convenient is that!

We came back to the Grand River Winery Friday June 7 and shared more time around Palisade with Jim and Connee, visiting the Sage Creations Organic Lavender Farm, Alida’s Fruits, and the Graystone Winery, Colorado’s Port House. Connie loves lavender and port, so it was a great afternoon, largely in part to our guides Jim and Connee.

Later Friday, we were invited for dinner with new friends we met while at Twin Palms RV in Mesa…Jim and Cherlynn. And a GREAT dinner it was. Lobster, shrimp, corn on the cob, and other vegetables. Absolutely wonderful. Cherlynn prepared each meal wrapped in tin foil, and Jim cooked it up on their grill. We did have some liquid refreshments before hand of course. I think uppity ups call them libations? Some of us just call it wine and beer. Maybe a little scotch when Jim has the urge. Was great visiting with them and hearing about their family and the Fruita area.

We spent Friday night back at Grand River and managed to get this fun shot on the way back from Jim and Cherlynn’s. We returned via I70 back to Cheri’s in Loveland on Saturday. They still haven’t ran us off!

Life goes on back in Loveland. We all went to a free concert at Forte Lagoon Thursday July 13. Enjoyed Irish Folk & Celtic Rock along with many others. All of us included: Connie and her sisters Carol (white hair), Cheri (right of Carol), and Carol’s grand daughter Mackenzie (next to Connie). Mackenzie is visiting from Arizona.

No special handicap battery operated cart for this lady. She gets down the King Soopers aisle faster that a speeding bullet…well…nearly as fast as a kid on a scooter.

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