Back in Colorado

Connie’s surgery went well on Wednesday June 14 in Denver. Our trailer repairs were completed that same day and Ed started his journey back to Connie’s sister’s in Loveland. A week had passed since the awful break, and here we are parked in front of Cheri’s in Loveland with surgery and repairs behind us. God is good.

The surgery involved inserting a metal plate along her ankle to act as a support. It took a lot of stitches. Thanks so much to daughter Shannon who met Connie at the airport and transported her everywhere needed. Also thanks to sister Cheri for helping as care giver now.

On the other side of the ankle, the surgeon used a couple screws to pull the break close to the bone. All this hardware can be removed if they become uncomfortable after full healing…a year or more.

Connie remains in good spirits and has her pain in control with a little help from the Norco pills. She doesn’t like taking the pills and is tapering off. She’s learning to get around well on her crutches, and its hard to keep up with when she’s on her stroller/scooter.

She has some limited up/down movement in her ankle and is starting a self exercise recovery while waiting for her appointment Monday, June 26, to have the stitches out.

Not sure what the future holds for us, but we hope to make a few short excursions around this area, but we’re quite comfortable parked at Cheri’s. The trailer is parked on the street. Cheri and Ed walked the block talking to neighbors about whether they had any qualms of us parking there. So far, so good.

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