Arrive Arizona

Left Colorado Bend Monday, December 15, at 6:30am and drove as far as Las Cruces, NM. Yes, another night at Walmart, but it turned out to be a great parking area. Short walk to Applebees where we enjoyed a brew and a meal. We hadn’t eaten out much since being at Colorado Bend.

Continued on Tuesday, arriving early afternoon at Carol and Rogers (Carol is Connie’s sister) in Gilbert, Arizona. Gilbert is part of the greater Phoenix area. Unloaded the truck and started getting the trailer ready for the RV Supercenter. Got it washed up nice and delivered it to the supercenter Tuesday afternoon. They will work on the air conditioner over the Christmas holidays.

We left Gilbert at 5am Friday for Colorado, driving all day and arriving at Cheri’s in Loveland, Colorado around 9pm. Cheri is Connie’s other sister. A LONG day…909 miles. With our aux tank, we only stopped once for fuel. Took advantage of $2.579/gal diesel in Albuquerque! Unleaded was only $1.899. Had to wait in line a brief time because of everyone taking advantage of the reduced prices.

Expecting more family to arrive today and we’re on track for a blessed Christmas together this year. We plan on returning to Arizona on New Years day, but our return is not locked in. We’ll move in to our new digs at Twin Palms RV Park the 3rd.

We visited Twin Palms on Thursday and found it to be quite a gem. Check the pictures on the link. Very quint and close to everything, including a concrete bike trail along the canal right out our door. Looking forward to getting a lot of little projects done and relaxing as we get prepared for a long stretch of driving hosting beginning in late March. Connie will do a lot of sewing as her quilting buddy Cyndy hopes to be there much of the time. Carol quilts too! Lots of buzzing on the ol’ bobbins!

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