Overdue Update

sunrise_smTypical morning sunrise we see out from our camp site space. Fantastic!

We have been running and going so much, so have abandoned making any new posts. It’s time to catch up.

KindredSpiritBand-BadBobLeadWe had several comments from an earlier post  about the Bad Bob’s store in Bend. And…he really is bad. Come to find out, he is musical too. Saturday, October 18, we went with Park Host neighbors Bob & Twyla to the Pecan Capital or the World, San Saba (about 20 miles), for a street festival they were having. Stopped in at Bar D Brew House, a local brewery (very very rare in these parts); and lo and behold The Kindred Spirits band had a gig there. Note Bad Bob playing lead guitar in the center. The fellow on the right playing base is Dicky (we thought he looked a lot like Lurch from the Adams Family). We realized later he works the counter at Bad Bobs. We saw him there, just didn’t recognized him in the band.

CBSP-mapColorado Bend State Park has turned out to be a real joy for us. We have a nice quiet parking area, footsteps from a  free laundry, lots of interesting hiking trails that expose so much of the area’s hidden cedar covered beauty and wildlife. The views are outstanding.

There are over 400 caves, and more being discovered with time. They are not Carlsbad Caverns, but do have a draw to those first time cave dwellers. We’ve been in Gorman Cave and Dynamite Cave. Caves are all restricted unless with a ranger. There are only about 20 caves permissible to enter.20141028_163831[1]Speaking of critters. This little armadillo guy has been making a evening visit around where we have a trailer parked. He (or could be a she I guess…can’t tell) is very fun to watch as he roots around in the ground…looking ants or something to eat. What a life eh?

DangerousSign_smWe haven’t figured out why this sign is here. It is not that dangerous, but there does seem that some people get lost, scrapped up,  or dehydrated. But the short time we’ve been here, everyone has left alive.
maintenanceYard_smWhile Connie has been helping at headquarters getting campers checked in, as well as painting and cleaning the park’s compost toilets (interesting concept…google it). Ed has been spending most of his time working out of the Maintenance Center. (above). We are parked about 50 feet away, so it is very convenient. Headquarters is another 4 miles down the road. Connie often drives the the “Gator” down. The gator is a cross between an ATV and a golf cart.




One of the foremost draws to CBSP is Gorman Falls. No matter how you get there, you have to hike. Some paths shorter than others. The falls are quite beautiful, even during the current drought, but we are told far more picturesque when there is more rainfall. The Falls is an impressive, 60-foot-high waterfall. The falls’ travertine formations and associated lush vegetation are very scenic. Small travertine dams have formed quiet pools of clear water that support a variety of aquatic communities, including one of the purest strains of our state fish, the Guadalupe bass.


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Overdue Update — 1 Comment

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