Merry Christmas

We wish all our friends and family a very Merry Christmas and blessed 2015. We rest assured that His birth brought forth the promise of everlasting life and fulfills God’s promise through His Son.
This is a picture of our immediate family taken by our friend, Dan Termeer (and a little help from his wife Val) last Mother’s day. While many of them are miles away in Wyoming from where we’re spending Christmas, they are certainly in our thoughts and prayers as we share the joy of Christmas with our Colorado and Arizona family.
From top left:
Son-in-law Edward Wales, daughter Kari Wales, grandson Hagen Brinkerhoff, daughter Shannon Hartnett, son-in-law Tim Hartnett, son Shelby Allen.
Grand son-in-law Garth Phelps, Grand daughter Brittani Phelps holding GREAT Grand Daughter Blakelee Phelps, Grand daughter Faith Zehnder, Connie, Ed.

Christmas2014-smallerWe spent Christmas 2014 in Loveland, CO; hosted by Connie’s sister Cheri. Neighbor Kandi came by Christmas eve and snapped some pictures:
From bottom left: Son-in-law Tim Hartnett, granddaughter Faith Zehnder, daughter Shannon Hartnett, sister Cheri Tilton, grand niece Mackenzie Keelan, niece-in-law Amanda Ervin, Ed, Connie, Mother Vera Tilton, sister Carol Sauter, brother-in law Roger Sauter, nephew Marshall Keelan.

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Merry Christmas — 2 Comments

  1. I somehow stumbled across this post. I would love to reconnect with Cheri! She was one of my best friends at “the phone company” and I miss her dearly. Please pass on my contact info:, 303-875-9813. Thanks so much! Have a blessed day.

  2. Blessings to you all this Christmas 2014 and a Happy New Year coming in 2015. What a good looking family – I kind of like the short one in the front row!

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