Colorado to Texas via Oklahoma

BerthoudPassSunday afternoon September 20, 2015. Our stay at Cheri’s in Loveland wasn’t all business. Cheri rode up the mountain with us to Fraser to see Brian and Angie’s new place. Had a nice lunch…and beer…at Deno’s, downtown Winter Park. Enjoyed the colors on the way up.

BreakfastGroupStarted Monday September 21 right! Ed joined his ol’ bus driver breakfast group at Sante Coffee and Burrito for their Monday morning gathering. Connie had a doctor appointment. From Left: Jim, Dan (his face is not discolored, it is the light from the window), Cliff, George, Steve, Roy, and Ed. See you again in March fellas.

WibbyBreweryWe made several trips between Loveland and Longmont while in Colorado. During our Monday visit, we also Stopped to check out the new Wibby brewery that had recently opened where part of the old turkey plant used to be. Very nice!

LoadedGot it all in the trailer! Packed it full for sure. Boxed up our 2 bikes in to bicycle shipping boxes and strapped them to the top of the Uhaul. Ready to depart Loveland, but only as far as Lakewood. We’ll spend Saturday and Sunday with daughter Shannon, her husband Tim, and our granddaughter Faith.

WaffleBrosFun day hanging out with daughter Shannon and grand daughter Faith the rest of Saturday. Went to Cherry Creek to shop for cinnamon at Penzies, then stopped in at Waffle Brothers for a treat. Catching Shannon finishing a bite.

Sunday, September 27, we enjoyed watching Faith play volleyball at Gold Crown. She plays for Mullen on the High School Volleyball Prep Development League. Her team won. Faith is not used to loosing 😉

unloadingMonday, September 28. Our long awaited day to see our new trailer has come. We leave Denver at 4am to drive the 580 miles to Rolling Retreats in Elk City, Oklahoma. The refrigerator wasn’t getting cold, so it wasn’t ready for us to move into that afternoon. But Alicia got us a room at the Hampton, and took us out for dinner at Lupe’s Mexican Restaurant.

All was ready on Tuesday so we unloaded the Uhaul and started moving in. Several folks came by and commented “it won’t fit!” but it did…by Wednesday afternoon. We had a few other incidental problems, so it was good we were able to stay “hooked up” at Rolling Retreats while Slade took care of everything.

20151007_092016[1]Wednesday, October 7: After staying at Rolling Retreats for over a week, we finally hooked up and started on our first endeavor…traveling 285 miles to Stephenville, Texas to visit my sister Alice and her family.

StephenvilleParkOur first parking adventure, the city park in Stephenville. Quite nice for $10/night with water and electric. No problem backing in, but there was a lot of room. There were a few things that were bounced around during the trip, but nothing too vulnerable. A learning experience.

Sundown.on.SquareEnjoyed hanging out with Ed’s sister Alice Wallace, far left, and niece Shiela. Had a great time at Stephenville’s Sundown on the Square night. also got a chance to visit other family: Nephew Stacy Wallace and his wife Lisa, their daughter Jordyn and new husband Mario. Connie delighted with the haircut Lisa gave her.

CedarPark-WalmartMonday October 12 (Columbus Day) we traveled the 135 miles from Stephenville to Cedar Park, just north of Austin. Found a nice spot in the Walmart parking lot so we could check out dry camping. No other RVs around and close to lots of shopping. Very hot so no air conditioning!! Had our first major concern: the inverter batteries for our residential refrigerator died that first evening. Will look into ways to remedy in the future.

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