Exploring the Flora and Fauna

our.site.from.leveeWe have a multitude of exploring to do from our hide-a-way site just off Laurance Road, North Pole, Alaska.

Volunteer.host.signConnie’s main project here at the Corp of Engineers Chena Lakes Flood Control Project (entirely different project than Connie’s) has been planting and nourishing an abundance of flowers. Nearly all need hand watering.  This is the entrance to our hide-a-way. Not really that much of a hide-a-way as Laurance Road gets quite a bit of traffic going to the nearby campgrounds. There is a park-n-ride is across the road from us where hikers and bicyclist can take the 4.7 mile paved path to the north end kiosk, which adds to the traffic.

Shed.flowers Porch.flowersflowers.chena.signSeems like she has flowers everywhere. These are on our patio and around our shed, and the sign on Laurance Road.

office.flowersAnd these are just some of the flowers around the office (a little over 2 miles up Laurance Road from our site. Note the Moose Creek Dam “Bunker” in the background. It used to hold Nike missiles when this site was used as a missile site.

Chena.flood.plainFloodControlAerialPhotoThe first picture above is one we took on a walk down the levee, and the second is a aerial file photo to help put it all in perspective. This aerial shot shows Laurance Road running along side the Moose Creek Dam levee, the flood plain, and the corp and burrow offices. The earthen levee is about 25′ high. The Moose Creek Dam, should really be named Chena River Dam…but Moose Creek is in the area, just our government at work.

Ranger.TrailGetting out and patrolling the 20,000 acres from time to time, can reap rewards.

blue.berry.picking blue.berry.bush raspberry.bush OwlsLike discovering wild blueberries and raspberries, along with a couple owls.

Satelite.antennaSIDEBAR NOTES
Since arriving in Alaska, Ed has been quite puzzled that satellite antennas seem to point to the ground. Some even appear to be pointed at a hill?? Don’t they have to be aimed at a satellite above the earth somewhere? Without obstructions?

candy.cane.weldingEven the North Pole welding shop display their support of the year-around Christmas spirit of the North Pole area.


We have enjoyed our first year full time so much, that we’ve decided to continue, but our 30′ Airstream in our only home now, and somewhat small for full time, and not really an all-season trailer. Not that we plan to be anywhere cold! So we’re picking up a new F350 dually when we get back to Colorado around Labor day. After visiting a bit with family and friends, we’ll head over to Oklahoma to pick up our new 38′ 5th wheel. Click on the picture, or here, to view a few more pictures. We’re doing this with $ from our home sale, so no turning back…at least for awhile. We hear housing is through the roof in Colorado anyway. After fulfilling our Texas and Louisiana host assignments, we’re planning on being back in Colorado March through May 2016. Need a place to park! Any ideas?

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Exploring the Flora and Fauna — 3 Comments

  1. Thanks for the update. I’m glad all is going well for you. I really enjoy seeing your updates. It all looks exciting. Stay safe.

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